Thursday, October 27, 2011

Shorts can stay solvent longer than you think

Chanos made good money shorting Chinese stocks since 2010.

Chanos in Bloomberg

The Chinese stock market's performance over the last few days is insipid and uninspiring to say the least. While global markets rose anywhere from 15 to 20% in 2 weeks, SSEC's gain was limited to 3%.

Short sell FXI on a SSEC break of the October lows.

Technology not confirming the rally

Boom Boom Tech not confirming this rally. When was the last time that all of QQQ, AAPL, GOOG, INTC, MSFT, IBM underperformed the market. They don't have to outperform the market every single day but on a day when market is rallying hard, they should be outperform the market. 

Having said that, I don't believe this is the time to sell short. I believe I see the market higher than today in 2 weeks, 1 month time. Before that, there could be corrections. That means this is not the time to buy either. You don't want to buy at the top, just in case this is the top.